Monday, September 13, 2010

Almost fights are no fun....

I went to the Auburn game last Thursday little did I know that it was going to be as exciting as it was. My roommate and I were sitting in the stands when all the frat dudes started pouring in. Now before I really get started I have nothing wrong with greek life I was even going to join at one point in my life. So on this fateful day we were sitting there and this frat dude comes up behind us and startes ringing his bell.... I really didn't think much of it and so I continued to text. Shortly after another guy came up.. then another.. then another so then I was mad.. so I stood up and turned around and nicely asked "do you have a problem?" I was ready to kill someone at that point but I knew that if I started swinging the other 20+ dudes would beat me into next week. They said that they had to make us move because that is their seats and that is their job.... I kindly told them exactly where they all could go and we moved. At that point I was so mad I couldn't sit down so we ended up leaving the game and watching it at home in our nice dark cool media room... Yay college football..

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why fry what smells like bacon in school?

I have been sitting in my Animal Science class in Ballew Hall when I start to smell what smells like to me... Bacon. It's 9:30 in the morning I haven't had anything to eat and I am dying for some bacon at this point... That had to have been one of the worst forms of torture that I have ever had to endure... YAY State!!